Here's my tongue-in-cheek look at a few of life's simple, but not always easy, lessons I've learned so far...
Thursday, 9 February 2012
The big 3-0
Well today's the day - I officially turn 30! It's been a pretty amazing day/month so far - full of surprises (a trip to LA, lunches, dinners, flowers, phone calls, FB messages and texts.) I'm excited for what this year will bring. In order to keep the the momentum going after such an exciting month, I've decided to challenge myself to complete a series of personal 30 day challenges. The source of my inspiration comes from this TEDtalk below:
Here are my 30 day challenges ideas so far: mail a card everyday, no sugar, yoga everyday, no plastic bags, take a photograph, no driving, buy a stranger a coffee, and who knows what else! (if you have any ideas - please share them!) All I know is that I'm excited to live my life and continue growing in many ways.
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