On Monday, I attended a Bikram yoga for the first time in a long time (Let's just say that the 20 visit punch pass I bought over 3 years ago still had 5 visits remaining!) and it felt fantastic. I find Yoga to be an amazing way to connect mind, body and spirit - once you actually get your body to the studio!
When I worked as a personal trainer, I used to recommend yoga to my clients. I remember one client in particular, who shared her initial yoga experience with me. She felt that the class she attended felt far too serious and strict. She shared with me that there were times during the class when the teacher and students would say "No Mistakes" in a slow drawn out way that almost seemed trance-like. This seemed very strange to me, as it has never been my experience, but as we continued to talk about the class, a light bulb turned on and I asked her "Are you sure they weren't saying 'Namaste'?" She wasn't sure, but fortunately decided to try the class a second time and the next time I saw her she confirmed for me that the class was in fact saying "Namaste" and not "No Mistakes." Oh, how we laughed! Her experience of the class was completely different the second time around as she understood the word "Namaste" instead of believing she was in a yoga class where mistakes were not permitted!
Lesson learned? Despite having a less-than-perfect experience, learning to stay open and willing to try something a second time, may create the perfect opportunity to have a completely different (and more positive!) experience. It sure did for my client in this case. Namaste.
Here's my tongue-in-cheek look at a few of life's simple, but not always easy, lessons I've learned so far...
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Life's simple pleasures...
On Sunday night, I couldn't shake my craving for a delicious dessert I'd had many years back at a pub in Edmonton - the decadent skillet cookie! So after a quick internet search and brief stop at the grocery store, we had what we needed to make it at home. It turned out fantastic!
mmm... warm skillet cookie - even better a la mode! |
Friday, 17 February 2012
Why are we happy?
Just a quick post for today - something to consider over the weekend! This is one of my favourite TEDtalks. Dan Gilbert poses the question: Why are we happy? Enjoy :)
Friday, 10 February 2012
The great reveal...
For my 30th birthday, my sister planned a mystery weekend for us to celebrate. I was told to pack a passport, carry-on bag and a dress - that's all I knew. There was much excitement and anticipation as the weekend drew near, and I receive numerous texts from friends who were also eager to find out where I was going! If you'd like to read all the details and planning that went into the event, as well as how we got into the 'pretty line' at the taping of AFV (which will air on March 4th!) you can read it here on my sister's blog: Funny the way it is...
The video below is of the great reveal! As well as some of the other details of our trip - including some shuffling at 4am. :) Warning: many tears were shed during the video, but they were all from sheer joy and excitement! I'm a lucky girl to have the amazing sister that I do. Thank you Adrienne - what an unforgettable birthday. I love you! XOX
The video below is of the great reveal! As well as some of the other details of our trip - including some shuffling at 4am. :) Warning: many tears were shed during the video, but they were all from sheer joy and excitement! I'm a lucky girl to have the amazing sister that I do. Thank you Adrienne - what an unforgettable birthday. I love you! XOX
Thursday, 9 February 2012
The big 3-0
Well today's the day - I officially turn 30! It's been a pretty amazing day/month so far - full of surprises (a trip to LA, lunches, dinners, flowers, phone calls, FB messages and texts.) I'm excited for what this year will bring. In order to keep the the momentum going after such an exciting month, I've decided to challenge myself to complete a series of personal 30 day challenges. The source of my inspiration comes from this TEDtalk below:
Here are my 30 day challenges ideas so far: mail a card everyday, no sugar, yoga everyday, no plastic bags, take a photograph, no driving, buy a stranger a coffee, and who knows what else! (if you have any ideas - please share them!) All I know is that I'm excited to live my life and continue growing in many ways.
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Kamloops, BC, Canada
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
"You can't change the cards you're dealt, just how you play the hand"
I turn 30 this month, and as such, I feel it is important for me to take all 29 days in February to celebrate the years that have past and the many more to come. Naturally, I was excited to start my birth month celebrations when I woke up on February 1st - I just knew it was going to be a memorable month! Needless to say, I didn't expect what was waiting for me when I arrived at work that morning. My boss has unexpectedly travelled in from out of town and promptly handed me a letter informing me that my employment was being terminated effective immediately. No warning, no reason - just pack up and get out.
I was completely shocked - was this really happening? It felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. Like all I had done over the last two years meant nothing. But as the shock wore off and my balance returned, I began to see the truth of my situation. I have my health, the love of family and friends, education, experience and a passion for improving myself and the world. I also believe that opportunities present themselves in all sorts of crazy ways - and that they rarely look like we want them to. I think Randy Pausch said it best in his Last Lecture:
"You can't change the cards you're dealt, just how you play the hand."
(if you aren't familiar with Randy Pausch, I HIGHLY recommend you take the time to watch his lecture on YouTube)
So instead of complaining about the cards I've been dealt, I'm doing my best to look at the options of the cards I'm holding. It's a big world out there, and there are tons of opportunities to create the life of my dreams - this job never defined me, although there were times I believed it did. I've learned so much about myself over the last couple years and I want to share my experience in hopes that I can help others grow too. Many of these lessons often came at the price of me putting a foot (and sometimes two!) in my mouth, so hopefully I can save you the trouble! If I'm too late to save you the same trouble then at least you know you aren't alone! Through this blog, I'm hoping to show that there is humour in some of our crazy ways, and that you can find a silver lining to many of life's curveballs.
I was completely shocked - was this really happening? It felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. Like all I had done over the last two years meant nothing. But as the shock wore off and my balance returned, I began to see the truth of my situation. I have my health, the love of family and friends, education, experience and a passion for improving myself and the world. I also believe that opportunities present themselves in all sorts of crazy ways - and that they rarely look like we want them to. I think Randy Pausch said it best in his Last Lecture:
"You can't change the cards you're dealt, just how you play the hand."
(if you aren't familiar with Randy Pausch, I HIGHLY recommend you take the time to watch his lecture on YouTube)
So instead of complaining about the cards I've been dealt, I'm doing my best to look at the options of the cards I'm holding. It's a big world out there, and there are tons of opportunities to create the life of my dreams - this job never defined me, although there were times I believed it did. I've learned so much about myself over the last couple years and I want to share my experience in hopes that I can help others grow too. Many of these lessons often came at the price of me putting a foot (and sometimes two!) in my mouth, so hopefully I can save you the trouble! If I'm too late to save you the same trouble then at least you know you aren't alone! Through this blog, I'm hoping to show that there is humour in some of our crazy ways, and that you can find a silver lining to many of life's curveballs.
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